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Key Stage 3


We aim to create the very best Artist, Designers and Photographers. We challenge students to think, act and speak like Artists. We do this by teaching students to become visually literate, so they can read, interpret and find deep meaning in the “World of Art” around them. We provide students with a hands-on practical experience whereby they can be introduced to genres, materials and techniques, practice them and in time develop their own artistic passions.

 We increase the cultural capital of our students by immersing them in Art and Design by artists, sculptors, designers and photographers from a wide spectrum of multi-cultural, socio-economic and historical backgrounds. We open students’ eyes to the work from different genders, ethnicities and beliefs and investigate barriers the artists have had to break down to bring their art to the world. We give students the means to engage in conversation, share opinions and demonstrate high levels of skill in their areas of study, and prepare them for higher study later in life.

Artists past and present are explored and investigated to introduce students to techniques they can test, practice and master over the three years of KS3.

Key Stage 4


At KS4 students, now equipped with solid foundations of the tools for success in our creative subjects are given the opportunity to choose to study one of the following Art and Design Specifications:

  1. Fine Art
  2. 3-Dimensional Design

Within these learning contexts we promote the role of Art and Design in the Creative Industries world of work and show the impact they have on the economy and exciting future learning and career opportunities to be had.

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